the Normans present at the Avignon Festival


If the vitality of the Norman theater has its barometer, head for the most famous, and the most important theater festival in the world, by the number of shows and spectators. Avignon created in 1947 by Jean Vilar is a bubbling artistic space (1,538 shows in the "off", 40 in the "in") where the Normans this year are kings with two shows in the "in" and sixteen in the "off". The festival began Friday, July 6 and lasts until July 24.

Thomas and the monster

Thomas Jolly, actor and director Rouennais used to challenges with his troupe La Piccola Familia (16 hours of Henry VI) and ardent defender of the popular theater, goes up Thyeste of Seneca in the Court of honor at the opening of the festival. Always fascinated by the "monsters" ancient or Shakespearian, the young artist of 36 years has not only chosen a piece deemed "impossible" and rarely mounted but also a place, another giant, sometimes difficult to tame. Thyeste will be played from 6 to 15 July at nightfall in the Courtyard of the Palais des Papes at 9.30 pm There are still places. A retransmission is scheduled on France 2 on July 10 at 11:15 pm. On the same channel every evening after 8 pm, Thomas Jolly will be entitled to a series of 19 episodes of one minute and a half in the public theater.

The soap opera of Bobée

The public theater spirit and the gratuitousness are in the DNA of the festival. The director and director of the National Dramatic Center Rouen-Normandy David Bobée directs the soap opera in the Ceccano garden. A free participatory project in thirteen episodes, which takes place at noon with amateurs and professionals. On the theme of "gender" chosen by the director of the festival Olivier Py David Bobée is interested in differences, feminism, discrimination, the system of domination, " without violence but with courage and gentleness » in the lineage of his political theater … and playful

16 troops in the off

A dedicated space

The Grenier à Sel is therefore the shared place of exchange between three regions of western France in Avignon. In this room equipped with computers and wifi organize professional meetings. Hervé Morin, President of the Normandy region, will be present for an exchange with the artists on July 15.

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