in Britain, Novitchok worries


In England, anxiety is growing around the Novitchok poison. This innervating agent that cost the life of the former Russian spy Serguei Skripal . A police officer has undergone tests, finally negative, after a suspicion of contamination in South West England, where a couple of former homeless is still hospitalized in critical condition. Without any real knowledge of how they came into contact with the mortal substance.

The police officer went to the emergency room where he sought medical advice in connection with the Amesbury incident and was quickly transferred to Salisbury Hospital for specialized examinations. It is in this same establishment that is the infected couple last weekend. This is also where Sergei and Yulia Skripal were treated

For the moment, no one knows how the couple was exposed to the innervating agent. The investigators watch 1,300 hours of CCTV images and specialists always comb through the house where the couple was found.

Also to be listened to in this journal

International – Hope is reborn in Thailand, as twelve children and their football coach are trapped in a cave for two weeks . The rescuers began this Sunday morning the evacuation of the area.

Security – Members of the GIGN, in plain clothes, are present in the TGV . The French gendarmerie is inspired by the Americans to fight against terrorism.

Tour de France – Fernando Gaviria won the first stage yesterday. A fine reward for the Colombian who had never before participated in the Great Loop

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