Briton poisoned at Novitchok "no longer in critical condition"


London – Britain's Charlie Rowley, 45, exposed to Novitchok's innervating agent, "is no longer in critical condition," Salisbury Hospital in south-west England said Wednesday. he has been treated since June 30th.

" He is no longer in critical condition, but his condition is now serious but stable ," said Lorna Wilkinson, director of nursing at the facility, in a statement.

The hospital announced Tuesday that the patient had regained consciousness.

" Charlie Rowley made further progress in the night ," said Wilkinson. " There is still some way to go for Charlie but the progress we have seen so far makes us optimistic ," she added.

In a separate statement, the police said they were able to talk " briefly " with him " and planned to talk to him again in the days to come ".

Charlie Rowley's mate, Dawn Sturgess, also poisoned at Novitchok, died Sunday night after eight days in hospital. His death resulted in an investigation for murder.

The main hypothesis of the police is that the incriminated poison is linked to the attack with the same powerful neurotoxic agent in early March against former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury.

The police were still trying to find out on Wednesday " when and where " the former homeless couple was exposed to " a heavy dose " from Novitchok, possibly after handling a contaminated object. She was combing several places he had visited, in Salisbury and the nearby town of Amesbury, where Charlie Rowley had an apartment.

The Dawn Sturgess family, 44 years old, said Tuesday " wiped out " by the death of this mother of three.

Hopitalized in critical condition, Yulia and Sergei Skripal were able to leave the hospital after several weeks of care.

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