three reasons to see the Marvel of the summer


CRITICISM – The second installment of the adventures of Peyton Reed's The Man-Ant (Paul Rudd) features a hero who changes size at will. He is facing a microscopic super-heroine (Evangeline Lilly) who will make him see all the colors.

There is like an air of Fables of the Fountain as soon as one evokes the adventures of Ant-Man (still played by Paul Rudd). And yet, we can say that in this second episode, the Ant is rather lecherous since it shares this time the poster with the Wasp, interpreted by Evangeline Lilly.

After a first light film (too much maybe) out three years ago, when director Peyton Reed staged a super-hero almost unknown to the battalion, the Man-Ant, we wondered what could happen to this superhero whose power is to shrink … or to grow up.

Ant-Man and The Wasp [VF] [Bande annonce] – Watch on Figaro Live

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With this second part, where Reed brings back Paul Rudd in the title role, he adds a microscopic super-heroine in the person of the Wasp. Michael Douglas also takes on the role of Professor Hank Pym, who invented the shrink process and was the first Ant-Man. It is also he who triggers the plot of this new film. Continuing his investigations in the world of the infinitely small, he discovers that his wife, the mother of Evangeline Lilly, did not die thirty years ago as everyone believed.

So, The Man -Fourmi and The Wasp will they manage to save this woman remained captive in the quantum kingdom? This is the big suspense of the feature film. To achieve this, the story will take turns in the style of a film robbery, but also and especially that of a comedy action disheveled and full of humor. Three-point decoding of a frenzied and good-natured super-hero movie

Who is Ant-Man?

 The first Ant-Man drawn by Jack Kirby in 1962.
] The first Ant-Man designed by Jack Kirby in 1962. Ant-Man Jack Kirby Marvel

Born under the pen of Stan Lee and the brush of Jack Kirby in 1962, Ant-Man is above all a character belonging to the category of scientific superheroes, such as Bruce Banner (aka Hulk) or Reed Richard (The Elastic Man of Four Fantastics ). The first Man-Ant, Hank Pym, is equipped with a helmet allowing him to be understood by the ants.

It can also shrink to get the size of an ant, or grow to become a giant of about twenty meters. He soon shares his discovery with his girlfriend Janet Van Dyne. She later became her partner in the fight against crime under the name of the Wasp.

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The second Ant- Man's name is Scott Lang. He appears in 1979 in the magazine Marvel Premiere n ° 47. Created by David Michelinie and John Byrne, he is a repentant thief. And it is he who will be adapted to the cinema by Peyton Reed in 2015.

The relation "father-daughter" in the center of the plot

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Paul Rudd and Abby Ryder in Peyton Reed's Ant-Man and Wasp . Ant-Man and the Marvel Wasp – Disney

Entirely directed by Peyton Reed (which was not totally the case for the first film, Edgar Wright being attached to the project since 2006), this second part allows the director The most striking thing about this second story is the way in which he puts forward the relationship between a father and his daughter Scott Lang is a hen daddy, who tries with all his heart to To take care of his child, without appearing to be, Marvel and Disney stage a reconstituted family, with a divorced father torn between his superheroic duty and his already rather complicated family life.

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This schema is complemented by the other "girl-mother" relationship that underlies the entire film. Will Evangeline Lilly, aka Wasp, manage to find her mother whom she thought had disappeared for thirty years? The dysfunctional family, separated, broken, is at the center of the film even if it is underground.

Incredible action scenes juggling the infinitely large and the infinitely small

 Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) can grow to be able to skateboard on a van in the streets of San Francisco
Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) can grow up so that he can skateboard on a van in the streets of San Francisco. Ant-Man Marvel disney

The special effects of this second episode are mainly focused on the exploration of the infinitely small and the infinitely large. The writers were keen to imagine action sequences that could enhance the size change of the character of Ant-Man. Sometimes he flies on his proud steed, a winged ant that looks like a miniature version of Pegasus, sometimes he grows up so he can skateboard on a van in the streets of San Francisco.

Ant-Man and the Wasp plays multiple ways in which heroes can achieve their ends by narrowing or becoming giants, as in this sequence where the Ant Man enters the bay from Frisco in pursuit of a ferry in which the villain of history has taken refuge.

»READ ALSO – Ant-Man and Hulk compete for a can at the Super Bowl [19659003] All these changes of scale, fun as hell, allow the film to never lose the rhythm of a good action comedy. A Tour de Force!

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