The whim of Caroline Receveur, criticized for her choice of mother


Caroline Receveur is not the type to let yourself go. Criticized on the networks by Internet users who do not agree with the choices she made when she became a mother, the former candidate of Secret Story went up on Instagram: "I'm having more and more trouble with the negativity and stupidity that emerge from social networks (and that's not likely to improve over time.) The role of mother does not give all rights, let alone that to criticize, judge, and insult other mothers simply because they do not think or do what you do Learn tolerance, kindness, and come back from your planet to 'perfect moms' that you are not.

⋙ Parade Etam Lingerie 2018: Ilona Smet divine on the podium, Caroline Receiver while transparency … (PHOTOS)

The subject of discord? In a blog post, the young mother says she had recourse to a cesarean of comfort: "Regarding my approach to childbirth and, at the risk of" shocking "more than one, I did not want to give birth to Marlon badlly but by caesarean section.Some women have a blue fear of cesarean section, I, on the contrary, was rebadured to know that everything would be organized, planned and taken in hand in order to avoid as many "bad" surprises as possible on D-day. I also wanted my childbirth to be stress-free and less violent for me. the baby – and for me ". A totally enlightened choice therefore, which did not prevent the bad languages ​​from posting negative comments.

⋙ Caroline Receiver Divine in nature and in a swimsuit (PHOTO)

But the scheduled cesarean is not the only one of her choices to have been criticized. As a woman entrepreneur, the young mother did not receive parental leave and therefore turned to another solution to take care of her baby with serenity, by hiring a night nurse during first two months of Marlon. A solution that allowed him to be much more rested but that was not the taste of his detractors …

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