RECAP – France has incredible talent (M6): A performance on domestic violence upsets the public


Let's go for the new season of France has an unbelievable talent ! M6 launched on Tuesday, October 30, the thirteenth season of its talent contest. And change is worth noting since Marianne James and Sugar Sammy have joined Eric Antoine and Hélène Ségara as jurors. David Ginola badumes the role of accompanist for the candidates who occur.

Talent to spare
The first of them to embark on the stage of auditions this Tuesday is Vladimir, 48, aka Professor Wacko. His talent ? His children taught him how to do trampoline, he explained before starting his show. Mixing burlesque humor and waterfalls, his performance has as much thrilled the public as the jury! "The number is wonderfully well built" comments Eric Antoine, still in love. "You really set the bar very high" enthuses the new kid, Sugar Sammy. The candidate obtains unsurprisingly four big "yes" from the jury. It's the turn of the group of dancers TeamSpotlight composed of thirty girls and a boy to appear before the public of France has an unbelievable talent. A colorful and wild performance that seduces the audience, with the exception of Sugar Sammy who triggers his buzzer. "I thought there was no uniformity, both in the choreography and the costumes" justifies the new juror of the program. The troop finally wins three yes and qualifies for the next round. David Stone, magician, also conquered the public. With humorous tricks placed under the sign of vegetables, he takes with him the jurors, including succeeding in extracting a card from a carrot. If Eric Antoine who knows the character is not the hardest to convince, the other members of the jury are packed. "This is one of the best numbers I've seen since the beginning of An Amazing Talent" comments for example Hélène Ségara. The group Berywam, specializing in beatboxing, fascinates jurors with a successful performance. "Berywam, there's talent, I've never seen guys that precise in music, you're a monster at work" comments Marianne James. They collect four "yes" from the jury.

Nadia and Dakota illuminated the scene of France has an unbelievable talent. For their performance, the two dancers offer an impressive choreography on domestic violence, which upsets the public and the jurors. "We had a case of domestic violence in our environment and we wanted to talk about it" explains in preamble Dakota. After a very moving dance during which the two accomplices mimic scenes of ordinary violence in a couple, the audience offers a standing ovation to the dancers. "We are very lucky to have you, it was wonderful" enthuses Eric Antoine. "The choice of the song, the game was amazing, the dance was perfect" Sugar Sammy continues. For her part, the singer Hélène Ségara believes that "domestic violence is not told and there, yet everything is said ". Four "yes" so for this service that marks the evening. Farès, a 16-year-old from Antibes, chose to play a rap that he composed, entitled "A letter to humanity". A service that touches the public through the franchise of the young man. He too is entitled to his standing ovation. "There was maturity in your text, you have a good future" Sugar Sammy incense. "Voices like yours must rise" adds Hélène Ségara. Four "yes" also for the young man. Masha, a dancer disguised as a groom, also created a lot of emotions this Tuesday, October 30, performing on a music of Maurane, recently deceased. "You are the first porter that I do not want to see the trunk" comments with irony Eric Antoine. The dancer in turn harvests four "yes". The contortionist Strauss Serpent has everyone agree! Half-horrified and half-fascinated, the audience is not indifferent to the performance of this extraordinary artist, who manages to break up in every way. Enthusiastic, Eric Antoine even triggers his Golden Buzzer that sends the young man directly to the final of the contest!

Unlikely candidates
Dylan 22 years old electrician, registered by his ex on the show, arrives in flip flops at the audition. He makes a noise demonstration that leaves the jury, say dubitative … After imitating under the laughter of the public sounds of cars and motorcycles, it is cut because of four buzzers triggered by the jury. "You made us laugh" concludes Eric Antoine. Mr. Bidule, come to dance in underpants on the stage of France has an unbelievable talent, succeeds in the improbable performance of being buzzed four times in just a few seconds. Like Dylan, however, he manages to provoke public laughter.


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