The mocking joke of Patrick Bruel on François Hollande causes the laughter of the journalists of C to you (VIDEO)


Patrick Bruel claims to be a man on the left but does not hesitate to make fun of Francois Hollande. This Friday, November 2, the interpreter of Break the voice was the guest of C to you on France 5 to promote the release of his new album Are we going out tonight… For more than an hour, the 59-year-old singer recalls his professional career but also his political convictions. Anne-Elizabeth Lemoine used the release of the book Ségolène Royal, entitled What I can finally say, to ask Patrick Bruel why he did not support the socialist candidate in 2007. A bit embarrbaded, the comedian singer quickly evacuated the subject and preferred to make a little joke.

⋙ "It's an anti-Semitic attack," Patrick Bruel reacts to the Pittsburgh slaughter and points to Donald Trump (VIDEO)

"Francois Hollande should be forced publisher because if each of his companions released a book …", he said maliciously, with reference to Valerie Trierweiler, also ex-companion of the politician.For recall, the latter had released in 2014 Thank you for this moment, an explosive book about the adultery of the former President of the Republic.

⋙ Patrick Bruel: "It's not easy with my two boys …"

This little sentence of Patrick Bruel against Francois Hollande triggered laughter on the set and the singer added: "It may not be over, you never know!Between two bursts of laughter, Anne-Elizabeth Lemoine concluded the subject by stating: "In any case, it makes editing work".

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