Government considers "what form of support" to Asia Bibi


France "studies" in what form it could help or welcome the Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi, acquitted last week after a death sentence for blasphemy but still incarcerated, said today Marlene Schiappa. The Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men said in a statement received the Secretary General of the Asia Bibi International Committee, Anne-Isabelle Tollet, and its first secretary, Myriam Masure.

»READ ALSO – Wauquiez and Hidalgo call Macron to host Asia Bibi in France

"We are studying, with our European and international partners, what kind of support or welcome could be provided to her and her family according to the wishes they will express," she says. "The President of the Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, concerned by the situation of Asia Bibi, have been following this issue very closely from the beginning." A Christian woman and a mother sentenced to death for blasphemy, the 50-year-old remains imprisoned in Pakistan despite being released last week by the country's supreme court. "We hope that this decision can quickly come to fruition," says Schiappa, adding that "since 2010, France has constantly recalled that the notion of blasphemy offense is contrary to the freedoms of religion, expression and opinion defined in the Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that Pakistan has ratified ".

More than forty French intellectuals have signed this Wednesday a call for release "all business ceasing" Asia Bibi. In a tribune, published in the Figaro, the bishops of France, meeting in Plenary Assembly in Lourdes, have on their side declared "worried" to know it still imprisoned and "await its liberation". On Monday, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo said she was ready to welcome Asia Bibi and her family to the French capital. Her husband has sought asylum for his family and relatives in Britain, Canada and the United States.


The call of intellectuals: "Freedom for Asia Bibi!"

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