a bullfighter scalped by a bull in the middle of bullfighting


Juan José Padilla, who is due to travel to Pamplona on Friday, was badly injured on Saturday. The animal tore off part of the scalp

The Spanish bullfighter Juan José Padilla was very scared. While participating, on Saturday, in a bullfight in the bullring of Arévalo, for Ferias de San Victorino, he was badly wounded by a bull, which tore off a part of his scalp, reports South West this Monday.

Juan José Padilla was facing a load of the Garcigrande bull when he lost his balance. The animal then gored and trampled. In an amateur video posted on Twitter, we see him get up, a hand resting on his injured skull. He was then taken care of by the infirmary Ferias before being taken to the Avila hospital, where tests revealed that he suffered no brain damage.

Juan José Padilla had to go on Friday to the Pamplona festivities. Despite his state of health, he told the press that he did not see why he would not go there.

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