A cub found in a garage in Marseille


It is an unusual discovery that made the agents of the customs brigade of Marseilles Wednesday. After several exchanges with the police, the customs officers decided to check the premises of a garage located in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille. They then discovered a transportable cage containing a feline of a few kilograms.

One or two months old

The expert's report established that it was a female lion cub, only one or two months old, and not yet weaned. The garage employee was placed in customs detention. During his hearing, the man said he had recovered the animal in a building in Marseille, at the request of others who told him not to know how to handle it.

The lion cub was handed over by the customs to the SPA, which entrusted it to an badociation specialized in the collection of wild animals. This is the second time in a week that a lion cub is found in an unusual place this week. Tuesday, the police found a small feline of a month and a half in an apartment in Valenton, in the Val-de-Marne.

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