A father complains against a procorrida exhibition in Nîmes


Le Gardois, with his 12-year-old son, visited the exhibition "Universal Bullfighting" at the Jules Salles Gallery, offered free of charge from May 4 to 22. He lodged a complaint last week with the prosecutor of Nîmes because of "the diffusion of a violent message, likely to be seen or perceived by a minor."

A quinquagenarian lodged a complaint last week with of the prosecutor of Nîmes against the procorrida exhibition "Universal bullfights". It was based on the foundation of article 227-24 of the Penal Code repressing "the dissemination of a violent message, likely to be seen or perceived by a minor," told AFP his lawyer Caroline Lanty, indicating that she has received the acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint. The latter targets the organizers of the event, the Union of Bullfighting Cities of France (UVTF) based in Nîmes and the National Observatory of Taurine Cultures (ONCT) based in Arles. The complaint also recalls that the municipality The Republicans of Nîmes, high place of bullfighting, has made available the room.

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On May 21, the complainant, who wishes to remain anonymous, visited with his 12 year old son this traveling exhibition celebrating bullfighting and offered free from May 4 to 22 at the Jules Salles Gallery in Nîmes. "We were walking, we came by chance, it was free. I was expecting a cultural, historical exhibition, but my son found himself without any warning in the face of violent scenes, bloody pictures, especially a bullhorn or a bloody bull, that's not normal, "he said. the father to AFP. I did not have a preconceived opinion on bullfighting, "he says, denouncing in this exhibition" a goal of proselytism ". According to him, his child is "marked and shocked" by this experience.

Last May, several elected officials allied themselves to forbid school visits to the exhibition.

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"The illustrations and visuals offered for free and without prior warning or concomitant to the public, can severely offend the sensitivity of minors," notes the complaint, pointing out that in Beziers and Bordeaux the same exhibition had been the subject of a preliminary warning. The Gard parent has alerted the Anti-Corruption Alliance, which has been fighting for several years against this exhibition which it considers "bloody" and which "was intended as a highlight of the promotion of bullfighting, with a lot of municipal publicity", denounces the badociation based in Nimes in a statement released Thursday.

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