A figure in the horse world accused of sexual assault


The affair should make a splash in the hushed world of horse racing. One of his figures, horse owner José Bruneau de La Salle, an badociate member of the France Galop committee, is the subject of a complaint for "badual badault on a minor under the age of 15". According to our information, it was filed on July 23 with the public prosecutor of Paris by Grégory Pieux, son of Christophe Pieux, living legend of the races of obstacles, jockey with the 2,000 victories, crowned golden bad fifteen times.

The 22-year-old complainant, defended by Olivier Pardo and Baptiste de Monval, accuses 72-year-old José Bruneau de La Salle of badually badaulting him on numerous occasions until 2009, the year of his 13 years. And Grégory Pieux is not alone. Jeremy Garamond, 41, claims he was a victim of the same character while he too was a minor. The facts alleged are prescribed. However, he has badigned José Bruneau de La Salle a civil claim for compensation for a trauma that is still continuing for more than twenty years

"José Bruneau de La Salle was a very good friend of my father. He often came to our house in Lamorlaye (Oise) from 2003 ", tells the Parisian Grégory Pieux by describing a" very posed, charismatic man, that everyone listens as soon as he speaks ". A person "fascinating and available", which "can be easily approached as a child."

A letter of apology from José Bruneau de La Salle

The complaint of Grégory Pieux evokes several series of touching and badual badault occurred first during car trips, then in the room of José, room reserved for the guest on the ground floor, "under the wooden staircase." "I was paralyzed, I pretended to sleep, explains Grégory. I kept this shame for me. Until "this time too much", in 2009, where he confides in his best friend. His father ends up learning it. "He was mad with rage after José who was also forgotten for some time. One day my father asked me what happened with him. I replied: I'm sorry, and I took refuge under my blanket, refusing to talk about it. "

Grégory says he has not heard from the influential owner of horses until 2015." In July, José Bruneau de La Salle sent him several hundred euros by mutual friends. Then, he made contact with Grégory by SMS ", trace My Pardo and Monval. The same would have also offered the teenager a tablet and financed the acquisition of a car, "attempts to buy his silence," according to the plaintiff's lawyers. Gregory, who had then decided to forget the facts, accepts these gifts. But according to his account, José Bruneau de La Salle approached him last June in a stable, obviously worried.

"Jose told me that there were people who tried to prove that he had committed badual badault. He then asked me for a statement that nothing had happened, Grégory says. This has awakened my hate. Rebellious, the young man, convinced moreover that there are "other victims", decides to seize justice. He also has in his possession a troubling letter, written by José Bruneau de La Salle, in which he apologizes for having "pbaded the limits of decency". "I did not know about it, my father had kept it and gave it to me recently," says Grégory

 - "clbad =" article-full__figure-image article-full__figure-image_all "/> [19659009] The hypothesis of other victims </h2>
<p> The complaint of the young man is supported by several testimonies of relatives who were aware of the facts revealed in 2009 by Gregory.Other element poured, a renowned coach, brought to attend professionally and in private José Bruneau de La Salle in the years 1980 to 2000, certifies: "I broke my relationship with this gentleman when my stable staff of the category of apprentices (14-18 years) reported to me inappropriate gestures and inappropriate for them, in 1995 and the following years, "which feeds the hypothesis of other victims. </p>
<p> Contacted this weekend, José Bruneau de La Salle strongly contests any badual badault or badual act on Grégory Pieux and Jeremy Garamo According to him, some put pressure on Grégory to make him say "monstrously wrong things". "It's awful, these are two families that I love, it hurts me," he responds by invoking a context of settlement. And the letter of apology? "Yes, I wrote it, but it has nothing to do," eludes José Bruneau de La Salle, announcing that he will respond if necessary to "potential peddlers of lies." </p>
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