a shooting in Toronto kills two dead and 12 wounded


New drama in Canada. A shootout in the Greek district of Toronto, Ontario killed two people and wounded 12 on Sunday, July 22 in the evening. The shooter died after an exchange of fire with the police. A young woman was killed on the spot and thirteen people were injured, first announced Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders. In the early morning, Monday, the police have revised their balance sheet, now evoking two dead, besides the shooter, and 12 wounded.

The police chief believes it is still too early to move forward on the motivations of the shooter, who used a handgun. Acting alone, the 29-year-old randomly opened fire on pedestrians strolling down Danforth Avenue around 10 pm before targeting crowded restaurants. According to a story by Toronto Star (19459007), several witnesses say they heard between 15 and 20 shots, and then saw several wounded lying on the ground in a restaurant.

For Toronto Mayor John Tory, the Sunday night shooting proves that his city, North America's fourth-largest metropolis, has a "gun problem" . "Weapons are too accessible to too many people" he lamented. Ontario Premier Doug Ford also denounced a "" horrific act of gun violence in Toronto " on Twitter. He addressed his thoughts to the victims and their loved ones, and thanked the emergency services.

My heart goes out to the victims and loved ones of the horrific act of gun violence in Toronto. Thank you to all the first responders for acting quickly to help everyone affected.

– Doug Ford (@fordnation) July 23, 2018

Since the beginning of the year, Toronto has seen 212 shootings, which killed 26 people. Last year, over the same period, the city had experienced 188 shootings, which had killed 17 people.

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