A video of Ivanka Trump tr … hot by a comedian shocks the Americans


The American people are still in shock after the broadcast of the video where we can see a comedian trying to urge Ivanka Trump the daughter of US President Donald Trump. Shot eleven years ago, this video of Ivanka Trump and Andy Dick on the set of Jimmy Kimmel Live! resurfaced on the Web, reported the site People on Wednesday.

Indeed, the facts go back some ten years. While Ivanka Trump was taking part in a TV show presented by Jimmy Kimmel, she had the unpleasant surprise of seeing the comedian Andy Dick's hands go through his days.

Taking advantage of the fact that she was wearing a black dress over- above knees and focused on answering the questions of presenter Jimmy Kimmel, actor Andy Dick first said he wanted to give "a drooling b @ iser " to who will soon be the advisor to President Donald Trump before using her hands on the hands of Ivanka Trump

Shocked, the daughter of Donald Trump spreads her hand and tries to look good: "Oh wait, did I say that I was single? she jokes as the host tempers her guest. I thought I had a boyfriend. "For his part, the presenter tries to reframe the comedian:" Andy, please, do not do that. Donald Trump will kill us both. "Before simply calling for safety to accompany the producer to the exit.

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