A wasp with a huge sting found in the Amazon


With its sword-like sting, you might think it was straight out of a horror movie. Yet this wasp is all that is real. It lives somewhere between the Andes and the Amazon rainforest.

In recent years, a team of researchers from the Turku University (Finland) has multiplied the discoveries of new animal species ]. Especially on the side of the Amazon. The species is the fundamental entity of clbadifications, which brings together living beings presenting a set of morphological, anatomical, … "data-url =" / planet / definitions / zoology-species-2261 / "data-more = "Read more"> species which sometimes present a physics Theories established by physics apply in well-defined frameworks.
Physics … "data-image =" https: / /en.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/8/9/6/896f032c90_91933_physique-def.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physical-physical-15839 / "data- more = "Read more"> physics or amazing habits. And it is still the case of this wasp found in a particularly diversified zone situated between the Andes and the Amazonian forest and which they describe in the last of their studies.

Indeed, the sting of this new parasitoid wasp baptized Clistopyga crbadicaudata is incredibly long and wide at the Description of the look
In the latter case, the gaze is systematically closed by … "data-image = "https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/3/1/2/31294d61c6_50037578_2456228493-195d6e1511-b-02.jpg" data-url = "/ home / definitions / house-regard-10885 / "data-more =" Read more "> look about the size of the animal " Since all these years when I studied this type of wasps, I have never seen anything like it " says Professor Ilari E. Sääksjärvi

 Clistopyga crbadicaudata is about one centimeter his sting, more than four millimeters. © Ilari E. Sääksjärvi, University of Turku "title =" Clistopyga crbadicaudata is approximately one centimeter long and has a sting, more than four millimeters. © Ilari E. Sääksjärvi, University of Turku "</div>
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Clistopyga crbadicaudata is about one centimeter long and has a sting, more than four millimeters. © Ilari E. Sääksjärvi, University of Turku

which remains to be clarified

As accustomed to the surprising manners of parasitoid wasps, Professor Sääksjärvi knows that they have a habit of using their sting for to inject venom and thus to paralyze that which they have chosen to become their host Then this same sting can be used to lay eggs on or even inside the host in question

Another wasp Clistopyga uses even its sting like a needle to take Clbad: ArachnidaOrder: Araneae (Clerck, 1757)
Description of the spider
The spider is distinguished from the insect by the fact that it has eight legs ,. .. "data- image = "https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/3/4/4/344be87e09_50084129_800px-gasteracantha-cancriformis-2.jpg" data-url = "/ planet / definitions / spider-zoology-13159 / "data-more =" Read more "> spiders trapped in their own web. Because these wasps like to lay their eggs in spiders. But in the case of this new species, even if they are convinced that this is a sophisticated tool for the use of the wasp, researchers are still unaware of the usefulness of such a prominent sting.

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