After his dismissal, Tex gets € 46,000 to the labor court … he claimed almost 30 times more


Licensed by France Télévisions last December, following a bad joke pronounced after 17 years on the air, the animator Tex had dragged his file to the labor courts. Justice finally gave a great deal to his employer.

Tex finally failed to take revenge on the production company of France Télévisions . And to say that everything seemed to be going well in the animator's life last year. On the public service antenna for more than fifteen years, the presenter of Z'amours saw his career rocking one evening in November 2017. Guest on the set of the show That of the TV on C8 the humorist is in the spotlight and takes over the host. After having chained different jokes on the air, Tex pronounced that of too much. Her failed valve touches the issue of violence against women. In the midst of the outcry, the humorist's sentence struggles to pbad. In a few days, Tex's life is rocking. Referred from France Télévisions abandoned by some confreres, the animator decides to sue his employer in court. Months later, while he was hoping to win his case before the industrial tribunal, the father of the family today learned a very bad news.

As reported the Express Tex has been awarded 46,000 euros in damages and has also seen its many CDD be requalified in CDI by the courts. A semblance of victory for the host. Indeed, during his trial in May, the humorist had claimed 1.2 million euros to his former employer (the equivalent of two years salary and as many benefits). Justice finally grants him a little less than 4% of the desired sum. A snub in the eyes of the presenter. And that's not all. The industrial tribunal of Paris also rejected the request for requalification for unfair dismissal and confirmed the dismissal for serious misconduct initially mentioned by the chain. On leaving the hearing, at the site Tex said " catastrophic " and " stunned " that such a joke could be considered " as a serious fault ." His lawyer, Master Jérémie Assous, according to TV Mag that this decision has " no legal coherence . now ensures that his client wants to appeal the decision.The Tex file is still far from being completed.


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