After meeting with Putin, Trump tries to save appearances but still stumbles


"No President has been as strong as I am on Russia." Donald Trump, much criticized after his press conference with Vladimir Putin for his very conciliatory statements to the Russian president, is trying to save appearances. On Tuesday, the US president had already admitted to being misrepresented when he said he had no reason not to believe the Russian president's denials of Moscow interference in the US presidential campaign in 2016. On Wednesday, he praised his steadfastness against Moscow: "Look at the numbers, look what we did, look at the sanctions."

Read also – Criticized for his statements to Putin, Trump says he misquoted himself [19659004] Questioned soon after on whether Russia, accused of interference in US elections, was still targeting the United States, he replied with a simple "no". Faced with this umpteenth controversy around the president's words, Sarah Sanders, his spokesman, badured that he had been misinterpreted and that this "no" only meant that he would not answer questions. "We believe that the threat still exists," she said.

Tollé in his own camp

And Donald Trump said, in an interview broadcast Wednesday on CBS, have told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that the interference of Russia in the US elections was intolerable: "I told him that we could not tolerate that". On Monday, US intelligence chief Dan Coats put forward "clear" badessments of his services on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and spoke of Moscow's "ongoing efforts" to "undermine" American democracy. 19659007] The US president's surprising press conference with his Russian counterpart in the Finnish capital sparked an uproar in his own political camp, with many elected representatives expressing their dismay. In the face of scandal, Donald Trump attempted on Tuesday to limit the damage, baduring – without really convincing – that his tongue had pitched when he seemed to take the side of the strongman of the Kremlin. Paradox for an American president: he was forced to say explicitly that he accepted the conclusions … US intelligence services that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.


So many people high placed in the intelligence have loved my performance at a press conference in Helsinki


Yet, many of his tweets from the day of Wednesday have kept the confusion. "So many top intelligence people have loved my performance at a press conference in Helsinki," Donald Trump tweeted on Wednesday morning, reinforcing the feeling that his previous partial u-turn had been imposed by his advisers. "Some DETEST the fact that I got along well with Russian President Putin," he still tweeted on Wednesday. "They would rather go to war than see that."

(with AFP)

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