Against Trump: a protester climbs the Statue of Liberty


ALPINISM CONTESTATAIRE – To denounce the anti-immigration policy of Donald Trump, a protester hoisted Wednesday on the Statue of Liberty. Black of people because of the national holiday, the island where the monument sits was evacuated.

– David Douïeb

Funny National Day for the Statue of Liberty. Wednesday, July 4, the iconic monument of the United States received the impromptu visit of Thérèse Okoumou, a young woman visibly very up against Donald Trump and his policy of separation of migrant families.

Shortly after 3 pm, the protester began her ascent. In the end, she remained exclusively on the base of the statue, failing to climb higher and refusing to come down before "all the children (of migrants, note ) were released", reports the New York Post . Three hours later, riot police finally managed to intercept her and bring her back to the mainland.

enough to cause a stir-up at the edge of the monument very popular with tourists on this national holiday. As a security measure, the 4500 visitors present at the time were evacuated. "People are moved when they arrive here, so interrupting or canceling their visit is extremely regrettable," said Jerry Willis, spokesman for the National Park Service, quoted by New York Post. [19659005EarlierinthedaysevenactivistsfromtheRiseandResistgroupwerearrestedonLibertyIslandTheyhadjustunfurledabannerhostiletoTrump'scontroversialpoliciesonmigrantsAccordingtoJayWWalkeroneoftheofficialsMsOkoumouisindeedamemberoftheprotestgroupHowevershedecidedtoclimbtheStatueofLibertywithouttalkingtoherfriendsApersonalactionthat"willcertainlybringmoreattentiontotheglobalprotest"stressesJayWWalkerinthecolumnsof New York Times .

Note that the aspiring alpinist has been detained. She will appear Thursday in federal court in Manhattan.

David Douïeb

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