All you need to know about the elections in Mexico


Promising a "radical change" leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador hopes to score history this Sunday and get a broad victory in the Mexican presidential election, where he is a favorite. "It will be a historic event, the victory of a whole people in the face of the immorality and decadence of recent times" he launched to his supporters at his last campaign meeting in the United States. iconic Azteca Stadium in Mexico. At 64, "Amlo", as the Mexicans call him, according to his initials, presents himself as the anti-system and anti-corruption candidate, wanting to drive out "the Mafia of Power" . After two previous failures, he is now credited with more than 20 points in the polls on his opponents of traditional parties.

Behind him, the young conservative Ricardo Anaya boasts his "modernity" at the head a coalition of right and left (formed by the PAN, the PRD and the Mouvement citoyen). He is ahead of Jose Antonio Meade of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), an independent party chosen by the ruling party, which is in third place. The federal elections are held this Sunday to elect the president for a non-renewable term of six years, as well as the two chambers of the Congress of Mexico.

Find below the articles of Liberation on these elections:

The profile

Faced with traditional parties discredited by corruption and the deadly war linked to organized crime, the former mayor of Mexico City and "Mexican Bernie Sanders", Andrés Manuel López Obrador has federated the voters on the left. His profile, to read here

The other candidates

The independent Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, Ricardo Anaya from a "right-left" alliance and José Antonio Meade, supported by incumbent President Enrique Peña Nieto, are the other three main candidates in the presidential election. Their profiles are to be read here

The report

Corruption, violence, non-respect of the most modest: the construction of the new international airport of Mexico, relaunched in 2014 by President Peña Nieto, could be called into question by victory case of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. A mirror of the evils of Mexico. Our journalist Frédéric Autran went there. See also our slideshow

 In 2001, the then president, Vicente Fox, was the first to propose the new airport. Its expropriation decree had angered the inhabitants, who had formed the Peoples' Front for the Defense of the Earth (FPDT). Under pressure, Fox had given up. Seventeen years later, members of the FPDT remain mobilized against a project they accuse of plundering their land and destroying the environment and their traditional way of life, largely based on agriculture.

Photo Jordi Ruiz Cirera for Liberation

The narcos

Bodyguards, relatives sheltered, death threats to the sound of automatic gusts … candidates in general elections had to withstand the climate of terror that plunders the main poppy growing area, in the Guerrero region. A report to read here


Overwhelmed by corruption, rejecting the entire political system, isolated communities of natives of Chiapas, in the south of the country, wish to elect their leaders according to their habits and customs . Our report read here

The situation of journalists

In two and a half weeks in early June, four reporters were murdered in the country, the most dangerous for the profession after Syria. The authorities are blamed for their inaction.

In the rest of Latin America

Like Lenín Moreno in Ecuador or Gustavo Petro in Colombia, the very likely victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador should dedicate the success of a moderate line, particularly timid on societal issues. Our badysis


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