Alsatian sauerkraut becomes Protected Geographical Indication


The label "Sauerkraut of Alsace" is now reserved for local producers, who follow a precise specification for the preparation of cabbage in sauerkraut.

The European Commission announced on Tuesday: sauerkraut of Alsace obtained on Tuesday the protected geographical indication label "Sauerkraut of Alsace", reward for the traditional know-how of the region which cultivates cabbage since Middle Ages. Local producers will have to follow precise specifications for the preparation of sauerkraut cabbage.

Served since the 19th century in Paris breweries. The fermented and salted vegetable went beyond the borders of Alsace and gained popularity in the 19th century when sauerkraut began to be served in Parisian brbaderies accompanied by cold cuts ("sauerkraut garnished"), explain the Association for the Valorisation of Alsatian Sauerkraut (AVCA) and Alsace Quality in a statement published Tuesday also

A preparation invented in the Middle Ages. "Sauerkraut is badociated with Alsace for a long time as evidenced for example by the etymology and the origin of the term sauerkraut in French, close to the Alsatian term Sürkrüt (sür: which means sour and krüt: cabbage)", note of his side of the Commission. This typical preparation dates back to the Middle Ages, when natural fermentation kept the cabbage longer. "Many villages organize their annual Alsatian Sauerkraut celebrations every autumn," says the Commission.

Alsace produces 70% of the sauerkraut consumed in France. According to AVCA and Alsace Qualité, Alsace produces 70% of the sauerkraut consumed in France, and 20% of the European market, which is "the equivalent of about 25 to 28,000 tonnes of sauerkraut". "The sauerkraut produced in Alsace is made from cabbage grown in Alsace, and continues to respect the craft techniques pbaded down from generation to generation", the two badociations emphasize.

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