American singer Demi Lovato hospitalized after an overdose


The singer Demi Lovato, particularly known for her title "Sorry not sorry", would now be in a stable state, according to several American media.

American actress and pop singer Demi Lovato was hospitalized Tuesday in Los Angeles after what appears to be an overdose, media reported.

Emergency treatment for overdoses. A firefighter spokeswoman in Los Angeles confirmed that a 25-year-old woman had been transported from her home, at an address that corresponds to Demi Lovato's, to a hospital but without revealing her identity or giving details about its state. The TMZ celebrity news site, citing police sources, said the actress had received Narcan, an emergency treatment for overdoses. The magazine People for its part quoted an anonymous source close to the singer that it would be in a stable state.
Problems of addiction. Becoming a star from childhood with Disney Channel, Demi Lovato has confided in the past about his addiction problems, his depression and his eating disorders. A month ago, she had released a song called Sober ( Sobre ) in which she seemed to report a relapse. Demi Lovato, who also starred in the hit series Glee is politically engaged and advocates for the LGBT cause and gun control.

Messages of Support. Several personalities quickly reacted to the news while many fans were sorry on social networks. " What happens to him breaks my heart ", tweeted the famous presenter Ellen DeGeneres, while country singer Brad Paisley, who collaborated with Demi Lovato, said pray for her. "Addiction is a terrifying disease, no one is more honest or brave than this woman," he said.

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