An instagramist gets bitten by sharks in a photo shoot


While having lunch with her family, Katarina Zarutskiet saw a school of nurse sharks and decided to bathe with them despite the warnings of her relatives.

The instagram life is not as sweet as one might think. Katarina Zarutskiet, 19 years old and 50,000 followers on the clock, made the bitter experience since she was bitten by a shark in full photo shoot in the Bahamas. Fortunately, she came out with "only" an ugly bite on her arm and has since recounted her misadventure on several television sets, as reported by franceinfo.

Risk behavior. While having lunch with her family, Katarina Zarutskiet saw a school of nurse sharks, small specimens, and decided to bathe with them despite the warnings of her relatives. "Nurse sharks are not usually dangerous, I've seen countless pictures of people with them on Instagram," she later explained to the BBC. who took the photos when the young woman was bitten.

Esto es maravilloso!
Las una instinced sufrió a tiburón ataque in medio de una sesión de fotos
Katarina Zarutskie decidió tomarse una audaz fotografía rodeada de tiburones para compartir con sus seguidores miles

- Chirusita Power (@Chirusitapower) July 12, 2018

Some stitches. Katarina Zarutskiet was doing the plank when a shark caught her by the arm. "I was drawn underwater," she says. Trapped beneath the surface, she managed to stand up in shallow water and raise her arm to prevent blood from spilling into the water. "I was extremely calm," she says. The young woman was able to get out of the water without further injury and was left for a few stitches. But she has also attracted many internet reviews and has posted her Instagram account privately.

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