SPOILERS – As with all other Marvel films, stay well in your seat until the end. The comedy of action fun and inventive Ant-Man & The Wasp of which you can discover our critic, account two post-generic scenes, one of which is of capital importance since it is linked to Avengers 3 and 4. In this one, Hank, Janet and Hope ship Scott on a mission, during which he has to travel to the Quantum Kingdom to recover "healing molecules" "for Ghost. And yes, it seems that the energy Janet gave her was not enough to heal the young woman and that she still needs it.
Once Scott's mission accomplished, he informs his team so that it can come out of this dimension where time and Space does not matter. Problem, Hank, Janet and Hope were wiped out by Thanos, just like half of the universe. Scott Lang, who first believes in a bad joke, finds himself stuck in the Quantum Kingdom. How is he going to get out? This is what we should discover in Avengers 4 which will offer us a real end. The second post-generic scene is much lighter since we can see a human-sized ant playing drums. What to relax after we discovered the surprising situation in which our hero is now found!
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