"Aquaman is Star Wars under water!"


July 2017: Jason Momoa recovers Aquaman costume and trident for the first solo adventure of the aquatic superhero introduced in "Justic League". Encounter with the comedian, his queen Amber Heard and the director James Wan

 Aquaman, December 19 at the cinema

Aquaman, December 19 at the cinema

© Warner Bros.

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Screenrush: James, p tell us about the setting up of this gigantic shipyard … underwater!

James Wan (director): It all starts with the design of the sets, costumes, the environment of Aquaman's world. The more details, the happier I am! I wanted to create a world faithful to the comic book while freeing myself from it. Hence the choice and the "look" of Jason Momoa to interpret Aquaman. I wanted this film to be totally different from other superhero films, especially
in the color palette with obviously many different shades of blue but also brown, green and red. I also want the tone to be strong and down-to-earth despite some lightness and a touch of black humor. Visually, I'm going to put your eyes on it and the underwater fights – since you know we are not shooting underwater – will be breathtaking! I will spend almost a year editing and post production to add "water" and fine tune the action scenes.

Warner Bros.

The artistic production of the film is out of the ordinary

The film n is not underwater?

Jason Momoa (Aquaman): It was James' challenge to "fill the film with water" in post-production and editing. The main reason not to turn underwater is the impossibility to move properly with the pressure and, obviously, there is the problem of breathing. From then on, it makes the logisitic of the film complex and the difficulty of simulating that we are at the bottom of the ocean complex. We are lucky to have a director as pbadionate as James Wan who has created a visually fantastic world. The artistic production of the film is out of the ordinary and I feel very small at the heart of this gigantic enterprise.

James Wan (director): There are scenes in or on the water because it is impossible to everything recreat perfectly in post-production despite the current technology. To make it more realistic, we tried to mix scenes shot in natural settings with a reality augmented by digital visual effects
. And we used large pools filled with water, which is partly the reason for a shoot in Australia that has such facilities, unique in the world. In the end, I tried to shoot a big adventure film that sometimes even looks like Chasing the Green Diamond or Indiana Jones. I'm a fan of 80s adventure movie clbadics and I wanted to pay tribute to them with Aquaman

I'm a fan of the 80s adventure movie clbadics and I wanted to pay tribute to them with Aquaman

Jason, were you a fan of the comic-book and were you surprised that you are approaching for this role?

Jason Momoa (Aquaman): ' I grew up with the world of superheroes and I have always been fascinated by Aquaman because I love the underwater world and all the mysteries that can be found there. Yes, I was a little surprised by the desire of the film crew, even before James Wan sign as director, to propose the role. In fact, they wanted a new approach to the character. And so my usual look was for them a starting point to launch a new franchise. Even my tattoos were welcome! What a good surprise ! (Laughs) What interested me was the idea of ​​showing the origins of Aquaman, how he became the hero we know today. I believe that the public who loved my short appearance in the Justice League will be really disheveled by this film. Especially since a large part goes under water and the special effects are breathtaking. Aquaman is Star Wars underwater!

Warner Bros.

Amber, tell us about James Wan and his peculiar paw …

Amber Heard (Mera): This is a pure genius. Frankly, he is a man of great intelligence and true vision. He knows exactly what he wants. And he is so attentive to all the details necessary to give life to such a film. He is a comic fan and he has raised the tone and the colors that were on paper. This gives a more intense, stronger dimension to Aquaman. I love the liberties that James Wan has taken with our characters in relation to the comic-book by making them more dynamic and emotionally deeper.

So far, we have never seen a film almost completely under water

In a saturated market of superheroes, what makes this film different from your point of view?

Jason Momoa (Aquaman): [19459008Alreadyit'sraretohaveaherowithmultipleethnicoriginsit'sasignofthetimesThenwehaveneverseenafilmthatisalmostentirelyunderwaterSoforthesetworeasonsalonedonotmisstheshowthatwillbeAquaman!AndthenItrainedasamadmantobringtolifebattlescenesneverseeninasuperheromovie

Tell us about your character Mera …

Amber Heard (Mera ): She is a warrior queen. A sort of amazon of the oceans. That's why I wanted to play it: having a sword and a crown is the dream! His power is to control the water. It's fantastic and it will entitle to great action scenes. I always wanted to play in a superhero movie but I found that the female characters was shallow and still the romantic focus of the service superhero. But this changed with Wonder Woman … and now my character in Aquaman. It was time ! Mera is a strong and ambitious woman. She does not fall in love with Aquaman at the beginning of their relationship. I like that kind of women who can stand up to men. And it's going to take a while before Aquaman and Mera feel feelings for each other. I like that they have to tame, learn to respect each other before getting involved in a more intimate relationship. I think this kind of more realistic relationship is what the audience wants to see in the cinema and not the cliché relationship of Belle falling for the handsome hero.

Warner Bros.

Did Justice League Have did justice to your character?

Amber Heard (Mera): For the short time that I see myself in it, I think so. But here the whole film is focused on Aquaman and Mera. We will learn a lot more about them and learn how to appreciate them!

What does Aquaman represent for you and what are the topics covered, because we probably imagine an ecological message in addition to the show?

Jason Momoa (Aquaman): For me it's first of all a personal challenge to play such a hero. I was Conan, but Aquaman is another dimension! The shooting is so huge that it makes me dizzy some days. For me this film is also the evolution of the irresponsible man that we meet at the beginning of the film and its transformation into King of the Oceans, which must now show maturity and courage to save his next. I love the story of redemption that lies at the heart of this film. I think that every man follows an evolution during his life which pushes him to reveal and give the best of himself. Not to mention that there is indeed an ecological message in relation to the necessary rescue of our oceans which are so polluted … But above all, Aquaman is a great adventure and action film. I hope you will have a good time watching it!

We gave a new credibility to Aquaman

James, you come from the horror world, are we going to get some fright?

James Wan (director): I hope so! (Laughs) No, it's not a horror movie even though there will be
suspense, tension and some visual freaks! Let's say that we find my "horror world" visually with dark colors, crazy worlds, and characters with multiple inner conflicts. Again, I think it's not the usual super-hero movie where everything is fun and light. Jason was already attached to the film and he had developed quite a lot of Aquaman's character with Zack Snyder so I only had to follow the path and add my cinematic style. The fantastic thing about Jason is that we gave Aquaman a new credibility. Because in the world of comics, Aquaman pbades a little for an unimportant hero and a joke. While with the mbadive presence and the deep look of Jason, you will have in front of you a titanic Aquaman. Aquaman makes you almost shake on the spot and gives you cold sweats. That said, I gave him
a human dimension so that we can understand where he came from and what his path is.

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