arrest of a man who tried to stab a soldier in Parliament


"No one was injured during the incident," a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense said Monday.

Canadian police on Monday arrested a man who was attempting to stab a soldier stationed in Ottawa's federal parliament, local media reported.

"Thanks to the quick reaction of our soldiers, the RCMP (police Federal, Ed.) and the Parliamentary Protective Service, the potential threat has been identified and neutralized, "a spokesman for the Defense Ministry told the newspaper Ottawa Citizen noting that" no one has been injured during the incident. "

Already an attack on Parliament in 2014. Armed with a knife, the man was arrested shortly after 10:15 (16:15 in France) in front of Parliament, at the time of the changing of the guard, added the newspaper of the Canadian capital. Contacted by AFP, the Canadian authorities could not be reached immediately

In October 2014, a young Canadian, out of touch with society, murdered a soldier near the Parliament of Ottawa, before to be shot down in the heart of the federal precinct. Two days earlier, a radicalized Quebecer close to the Islamist movement had killed a soldier with his vehicle south of Montreal. It was the first time that Canada had been the target of jihadist attacks.

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