Australia: shark leads woman into crocodile infested waters


Melissa Brunning escaped with a fracture, a shredded ligament and a severe infection but kept her index finger.

A woman driven into crocodile-infested waters by the shark she was attempting to feed in northwestern Australia told the press the horrific moment that almost cost her a finger. Melissa Brunning explained that she had tried to feed four tawny shark sharks lying behind the yacht she was on.

Taking her right forefinger as if "it was a (hoover) Hoover". The incident occurred in May in Dugong Bay, in the remote Kimberley area, where there are sharks and sea crocodiles that can be seven meters long and weigh more than one ton. The two-meter long shark sucked his right forefinger as if "it was a (hoover) Hoover," she said Saturday night at West Australian .

Sharks have fawn nurse have a strong jaw "I think the shark was just as shocked as I. The only way to describe it was that the pressure was huge and I felt like the shark shredded the finger to the bone." . Tawny nurse sharks have a strong jaw and several rows of teeth. "I came back to the surface and I thought, 'I lost my finger, my finger went away.'"

"It was not the fault of the shark at all." On footage shot with a mobile phone broadcast on Saturday by Channel Seven, Melissa Brunning screams as she is dragged into the water, before being quickly rescued by the crew and her friends. She escaped with a fracture, a shredded ligament and a severe infection but kept her index finger. "It was not the fault of the shark at all". Since then, she added, she has learned to "respect the sea animals, look at them with admiration, but leave them alone."

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