Austria wants to outlaw any asylum application on the territory of the European Union


On the eve of a meeting, on Thursday, between EU interior ministers on the issue of migration, Vienna says it wants to propose a change in asylum rules so that applications are studied outside Europe

 Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, Vienna, July 3.

Austria, which is baduming the rotating EU presidency for six months, would like to see it no longer possible in the future, to apply for asylum on European soil. Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ, far right), told a press conference on Tuesday (July 10th) that any other solution "would encourage smugglers to say: " I take your money to take you to the European Union, because you are guaranteed to be able to apply for asylum with the very, very low probability of being sent back ""

In the model advocated by Austria, asylum applications would be registered in refugee camps outside Europe "by a sort of mobile commission" according to Mr. Kickl. Only exiles coming from direct EU neighboring countries could apply for asylum on the territory of the Union.

"Return Centers"

The Minister badured that he did not see any contradiction with the Geneva Convention defining refugee status: "I do not see anywhere in this text that Europe must be responsible for the asylum claims of people from areas thousands of miles away.

The migration issue and the future of the right to asylum in Europe, a source of tension between the 28 member states, will be on the agenda of a meeting of EU interior ministers on Thursday in Innsbruck, the south of Austria. The German, Austrian and Italian ministers will also hold bilateral and trilateral talks.

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                Migrants: Macron challenges "easy solutions" in his speech to Congress

At this meeting, the Austrian Minister wishes to propose to his colleagues the setting up, in voluntary states outside the EU, of "centers of return" for the defeated right of asylum that can not be immediately renewed in their country of origin

The proposal to change the rules of asylum has been developed in a working document of the Austrian EU Presidency dated from the beginning July, originally confidential, and published in recent days in the press. This document estimates that among asylum-seekers, "many are particularly sensitive to ideologies hostile to freedom or advocating violence" . He proposes to guarantee asylum only "those who respect the values ​​of the EU and its fundamental rights and freedoms" .

See also:
                Fraternity, the principle of helping migrants

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