Bannon, Trump's former advisor, arrives in Europe to boost populist movements


Washington – Steve Bannon, US Prime Minister Donald Trump's ex-adviser, will create a foundation in Europe to wage a right-wing populist revolt on the continent, writes the American Daily Beast.

Close to the alt-right, the American extreme right, Steve Bannon entrusted the site with its ambitions, with the 2019 European elections as a first step.

A symbol, the headquarters of its organization " The Movement " should be based in Brussels, capital of the European Union, according to an article in the Daily Beast published Friday evening. Before the elections of 2019, it provides for the hiring of ten employees including an expert opinion.

" The Movement " will be able to provide polls, advice and reflection to figures on the right of the political spectrum who do not necessarily have well-established organizations to support them, reports the Daily Beast.

The goal of Steve Bannon is clear: to compete with the foundation of American billionaire George Soros, Open Society, rather ranked on the left.

" Soros is brilliant ," loose Steve Bannon, " it's the devil but he's brilliant ".

The former boss of the far-right Breitbart site was in London at the time of Donald Trump's visit to Europe according to several media, setting up his headquarters in a five-star hotel and receiving representatives of right-wing movements in Europe .

" It was so successful that we are going to start recruiting staff ," he boasts at the US site.

The latest elections in Europe, the reelection of Viktor Orban in Hungary, the arrival in power in Italy of the far-right movement the League – alongside the five-star Movement populists– seem to galvanize Steve Bannon .

" Italy is the beating heart of modern politics ," he says. " If it works out there, it can succeed anywhere." "

And the controversial populist theoretician of Donald Trump, nicknamed the" President Bannon ", when he advised the tenant of the White House to make a prediction: " You are going to have individual nation-states with their own identities, their own borders ".

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