Baptism of Prince Louis: the tender homage of Kate and William to Diana


Prince William and his wife Kate paid tribute to Lady Diana at the baptism of their third child, Little Prince Louis. A tender and sentimental detail that has not escaped the most seasoned observers …

On Monday, July 9th, the adorable Prince Louis was baptized. Of course, the ceremony was conducted according to the royal protocol, and many elements were already engraved in the marble: the toddler was dressed in the same lace dress worn by his elders George and Charlotte, the cake served was the same as at the wedding of Kate and William, as the tradition … But a small detail shows that the prince and his wife wished to add their personal touch to the event, making a discreet tribute to the grandmother of their son, Diana, William's mother.

Indeed, as Kate and William walked down the aisle, to present their son Louis to Archbishop Justin Wellby, who baptized him, it's a piece very particular who sounded. It was a prelude for piano entitled Rhosymedre composed in the eighteenth century by the British Ralph Vaughan Williams . A piece that had already been played at Kate's wedding and William, but also and especially to that of Diana and Charles, in 1981. We understand all the symbolic dimension that takes this piece for piano in the royal family.

The wink surely touched Prince Charles who was of course present, along with his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Both were also the first of the royal family to enter the St. James Chapel to attend the ceremony.

Photo Credits: Bestimage

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