Baptism of Prince Louis: Why the queen will be the great absent


A little more than two months after his birth, Prince Louis will be baptized in a few hours. But the Queen and her husband will unfortunately not be able to attend the ceremony.

On April 23, Kate Middleton gave birth to Royal Baby No. 3, the little Louis of Cambridge . Determined to follow the tradition, the young mother and her husband Prince William decided to have their son baptized, along with their elders, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. But the couple had to wait a few months after the birth, because the agenda of the British royal family was loaded, especially with the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The fateful hour has arrived, however. The baptism, celebrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, will take place this Monday, July 9, 2018, in the afternoon. Many personalities will be present, starting with the godfathers and godmothers of the little prince. But two people will shine by their absence: Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip will be absent . The news was confirmed this morning by Buckingham Palace.

Is it because of the health problems that his Royal Highness suffered for a few days? Not at all. The problem is rather his busy schedule, which is too busy for him to attend baptism. The Queen of England must indeed return this Monday from her country house in Norfolk to prepare for a media week of the most important, starting with the centenary of the Royal Air Force, not to mention the visit of Donald Trump . The American president will be in Windsor this Friday afternoon. The Duke of Edinburgh retired from public life, although he made an exception for attending his grandson's wedding last May.

Photo credits: Agency / Bestimage

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