Before the baptism of Prince Louis, the worst anguish of the archbishop


While this Monday, July 9, the Archbishop of Canterbury will baptize Prince Louis, the man spoke on the radio program Ouch, broadcast on the BBC. The least that can be said is that behind his miter, Justin Welby does not lack humor. The proof since he did not hesitate to make a joke about the worst possible scenario for this big day.

This Monday, all eyes will be on the Royal Chapel of St James Palace in London, where the baptism of Prince Louis will take place. Place where was also baptized his big brother Prince George, in 2013, and where Kate was confirmed before his marriage with William. An event of the highest importance for the royal family since this ceremony officially marks the entrance of the third "royal baby" within the Anglican Church. If for the moment the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge have not yet revealed the names of godfathers and godmothers of their youngest, the bookmakers already have their opinion. Miguel Head, private secretary to Prince William, and Rebecca Priestley, private secretary to Kate Middleton, are among others regularly mentioned.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby will have the difficult task of baptizing the little prince. If the man is broken to the protocol of the Crown, remember that it was he who baptized Princess Charlotte but also married Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, he did not hesitate to make a little joke: " you know, when you're at a wedding, do not break the wedding rings. When you are at a baptism do not let go of the baby ". More seriously, Justin Welby expressed his admiration for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who form " a wonderful family where there is a lot of love ". And to add that this ceremony " will be a very beautiful moment ". Sure young parents need to be rebadured!

Photo credits: Backgrid UK / Bestimage

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