Beijing Express 2018: no, Christina and Didier are not in a relationship


INTERVIEW. Christina is the boss. Didier his employee. They decided to participate together in Beijing Express 2018: the infernal race. Are they in a relationship in real life? How was their adventure? Their return ? They tell you everything …

Can you tell us about your binomial in Beijing Express?

On the same subject

 Three pairs of Pekin Express 2018

Didier: I met Christina at the time a job interview. She had challenged me on the original and opportunistic side she expected of her collaborators. When she hired me, I then offered to participate in Beijing Express. I told myself that our pair, being original, we had a chance to be remembered.

How did the "cohabitation" between you during the show take place?

Christina: We got to know each other square. The first days were complicated but we took our marks. Then we knew before we left that we had a good base to get along well.

The first night, you sleep in the same bed …

D: It's weird but not unpleasant (he laughter)

C: It was comical

Did you fight during the adventure?

C: We can not say that even if I happened to sulk (she laughs) ). I saw that I could get excited quickly, but not against Didier, rather against the game. When a car did not arrive, for example. This is my impatient side

The hardest on the show?

C: I was not sick. Just a little hurt. But the hardest thing, in my opinion, is having to be concentrated all the time and never having to let go.

How did your company (a pharmaceutical company, ed) manage your absence? [19659007] D: They were at the top. Everyone supported us

C: Yes! And I thank again my box who trusted us and who organized itself so that everything goes for the best. My bosses had great confidence in us

And your wife, Didier?

D: She encouraged me, and my children too! She had no apprehension that I would leave with my boss.

Have your relationships evolved since the end of the adventure?

C: At work, nothing has changed. But afterwards, there is a friendly bond that has been created and is very appreciated outside the office.

D: Absolutely! After, when we are at work, we talk about work. I do not like to mix

Didier, did you have an increase?

C: Subject taboo!

D: It is in negotiation, but not yet!

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