Belgium: Two individuals tear off the veil and clothes of a 19-year-old Muslim woman


A 19-year-old Muslim woman was the victim of racist aggression by two individuals in Anderlues, Belgium. They tore off his veil and his clothes, putting his chest bare.

Two men badaulted a 19-year-old woman in an alley in Anderlues, Belgium, Monday night, just after the match between Belgium and Japan, counting for the eighth finals of the World Cup. The authors insulted her and tore off her veil and her clothes, exposing her bare chest, says Charleroi's prosecutor's office Tuesday.

The two individuals then scarred the girl on various parts of her body. read on the Belgian information website They used a sharp object to scarify his torso, stomach, legs and face. A racist aggression, the two men made xenophobic remarks towards the girl. The attackers then fled in an unknown direction.

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