Bouquet, Lelouch, Parisot promoted from July 14


Michel Bouquet, Claude Lelouch, Jean Jouzel or Laurence Parisot … The promotion of July 14th of the Legion of Honor this year distinguishes 392 personalities. It gathers as well researchers, magistrates, artists, as elected or industrialists, with exact parity men-women, famous or less known, raises the Great Chancery of the Legion of Honor.

Science well represented. Among the graduates of 14 July 2018 are gynecologist Joëlle Kauffmann (grand officer), oncologist Laurence Zitvogel (officer), and Claire Compagnon, interdepartmental delegate for the strategy for autism (knight). In the research, are distinguished the climatologist Jean Jouzel and the physicist and perpetual secretary of the Academy of Sciences Catherine Bréchignac, facts commanders, the biologist Margaret Buckingham and the historian Marc Fumaroli of the French Academy, both great officers. For their contribution to innovation in digital technology, are quoted the president of the start-up Actility Olivier Hersent and the CEO of Rakuten Olivier Mathiot (Knights).

The industry not forgotten. In terms of sustainable development, Anne-Marie Ducroux (president of the environmental section of the Social Economic and Environmental Council) and Nathalie Boyer, ambbadador of circular economy (knights), are distinguished. "Economic development is encouraged by the distinction of actors belonging to companies of all sizes," says the Grand Chancellery: Laurence Parisot, president of Gradiva and former boss of the MEDEF (officer), the CEO of Yves Saint Laurent Francesca Bellettini, the CEO of Orano (formerly Areva) Philippe Knoche, but also the master glbadmaker Dominique Duchemin and the chocolatier Patrick Roger (knights).

Culture in good place. Culture has its place with Michel Bouquet, 92 years old, raised to the dignity of grand'croix. Marie-Christine Barrault is promoted commander, Claude Lelouch officer, and, in full festival of Avignon, its director Olivier Py knight. The editor Jacques Glénat is knighted, as the journalist Catherine Nayl, director of information of France Inter. Another journalist, today at the CSA, Memona Hintermann-Afféjee, promoted officer. For sport, Mourad Boudjellal, president of rugby club Toulon, becomes knight.

For "service of the state" finally, former ministers or parliamentarians are distinguished as Christiane Scrivener (grand'croix), Jean-Claude Gaudin (officer), Elisabeth Guigou, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Patrick Ollier (knights). Also in this promotion, Michel Delpuech, Paris police chief, and Catherine Guillouard, CEO of RATP.

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