A surgeon has been wanted since Tuesday by the Brazilian authorities because of a clandestine cosmetic operation followed by the death of the patient. The case makes a splash in Brazil where Denis Furtado, nicknamed "Dr Popotin", is a real star, followed by more than 660 000 fans on his Instagram account. The man, on the run, was charged four times by the Federal District police for illegal practice and crimes against the consumer.
Seduced by the "before" / "after" photos and videos of the operations that this 45-year-old Brazilian posted on his Instagram account, Lilian Quezia Calixto, a bank employee, did not hesitate to travel more than 2,000 kilometers from Cuiaba to Rio de Janeiro to spend billiards.
Operated last Sunday in Denis Furtado's apartment in Barra da Tijuca, wealthy neighborhood often nicknamed the "Miami Beach" of Rio, Lilian Quezia Calixto had a discomfort and had to be hospitalized.