Caravan: 1500 migrants arrived at the US border


In the morning, twenty-two buses carrying migrants reached the entrance to Tijuana.

More than 1,500 caravan migrants crossing Mexico arrived this Thursday in Tijuana, on the border with the United States. In the morning, twenty-two buses carrying migrants reached the entrance of the city in the Mexican state of Baja California, adding to about 800 other Central Americans already arrived in the city in small groups since Sunday.

"I feel better, tired, but better." It's been a month since we moved with my daughters of 7, 11, 13 and 15 years old, "said Miriam, a 32-year-old Honduran, who got off one of the buses. who dropped the migrants at a toll near the border town.

4300 km of road

More than 3,000 other migrants were making their way by bus on Thursday to Tijuana, where they should arrive at the end of the day or in the evening. All belong to the caravan, composed mostly of Hondurans fleeing poverty and violence in their country, left on October 13 of the city of San Pedro Sula. They traveled 4300 kilometers to reach the US border.

On the images captured by the local media, we can see some migrants trying to get over the grid that separates the two countries.

These migrants are determined to enter the United States, despite the threats of President Donald Trump, who has promised to prevent them from entering the country and has deployed some 4,800 military personnel at the border.

Eight migrants arrested

At the San Diego border crossing, US authorities have reduced access roads for cars in recent days and installed cement barriers and barbed wire. At least eight migrants who crossed Wednesday's metal barrier were quickly arrested by US border agents, a journalist said.

According to the United Nations, the caravan numbered as many as 7,000 migrants, but many of them abandoned on the way or broke up into small groups of the main procession. Two other caravans, of about 2000 people each, also made their way to the United States from Central America.

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