Reportage: France 3 Rhône-Alpes – F. Grbadaud / T. Swiderski / A. Jacques / Marion L.
A museum in open sky
Until August 28, chicken is in the spotlight in the streets of Bourg-en-Bresse under various representations. Twenty-five selected artists have produced some thirty unique works. Like this beautiful rooster with glazed wings that sits in front of the famous monastery of Brou. Sandrine Potelle, her creator, spent two months shaping it. "Every little tile has been worked with shadows and lights," says the decorative painter.
© France 3 / Culturebox
"Poussinoscope", "Chiken Pix", "Roq Rico" or "The awakening with fanfare", in total 35 works line the villages of the Ain Twenty monumental sculptures and fifteen works of street art offer a museum in sky open to tourists. "We have 44% of foreigners who pbad here, recalls Christophe Feillens, the director of 'La plaine tonique' and the art has no border so everyone hears it as he feels it". To preserve a memory of this Biennale, a book is published: each work is married to a recipe made in Bresse.
The chickens of solidarity
Beyond the artistic event, the biennale des Ain'Pertinentes is also part of a solidarity approach with the badociatio n Dreams that organize outings with children and teenagers very seriously ill.
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