Crying baby saved from water in Laos, face of disaster


The floods affected the province of Attapeu, Laos. – Hau Dinh / AP / SIPA

The video of a weeping baby saved from the waters released by the collapse of a dam in Laos, after several days with his mother in a cabin surrounded by water muddy, Friday gave a face to the victims of the disaster. The video shot on Thursday by Thai rescue workers who managed the rescue was first broadcast by Lao channel ABC.

And Friday morning, after only a few hours, the images, also broadcast on Facebook, had already been shared thousands of times. "Thank you from Thailand for your help," says the comment under the video.

Fourteen people saved

The team of Thai rescue workers check the area around the village of Xaydonkhong, where a fortnight people were reported missing. They come out of their boat and one comes forward, with water half-body, towards trees surrounded by water.

We see him coming back, carefully carrying a baby in tears, followed by his mother . "They finally managed to find 14 people, four men, six women including one pregnant and four children," said the Thai rescuers in a statement Friday.

"The water is mounted so fast that they have not had time to think "…

" All were exhausted and hungry after four days without food ", specify those who fed them, brought up in their boat and then entrusted to Laotian soldiers to be hospitalized. [19659006] The survivors "were in a cabin at the top of a hill where they had plantations. The water went up so fast that they did not have time to think, they all ran "to escape the waves, told AFP Kengkard Bongkawong, a Thai rescuer.

Cambodia also touched

"We found three families together. They ate bamboo shoots but there were not many and they were hungry, "he continued. "The little boy was crying and looking terrified. In fact they were all terrified by the water. When the rain began to fall, they were panicked, "said the rescuer.

Beyond this great story, angry villagers Friday accused the Laotian authorities of minimizing the toll of the victims ( 27 dead), on the fourth day of searches to find dozens of missing. Billions of tons of water poured out Monday night into this remote area of ​​southern Laos, engulfing villages to neighboring Cambodia.

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