DALS 9: Pamela Anderson will she give up? Chris Marques reacts


Pamela Anderson was hurt again. The 51-year-old actress, however, does not lose hope of stepping on the floor of Dance with the stars 9 this Saturday. Chris Marques gives his opinion on the subject.

Since arriving in Dance with the starsPamela Anderson seems to be pursued by bad luck. Just days before the launch of this season 9, the former star ofBaywatch did not even think he could walk on the floor of the show after his tear in the hamstring. Invaded by the pain, the companion of Adil Rami had yet continued his training between his physio sessions. By dint of courage and perseverance, she had made her first steps on TF1.

But while she kept progressing with Maxime Dereymez, Pamela Anderson was again very badly hurt. The 51-year-old actress has barely recovered from her previous injury, this time having injured her right calf after a late training session. A real disaster for her. " I felt like someone had thrown a baseball into my lower legshe explained on Instagram. I just had an MRI and I'm on my way to see another doctor ".

Pamela Anderson Victim of the Curse Dance with the Stars

While she praised her dance partner who did everything to help her, Pamela Anderson pointed the finger at Dance with the stars that she has accused of negligence. " It's unfortunate that there was no ice cream at the studio last night. We waited 45 minutes for ICE, there was nothing. Serious mistake, someone can get hurt at any time "She said on social networks. But not enough to make her give up, she who intends to dance this Saturday on TF1. An enthusiasm that does not share Maxime Dereymez, very concerned for the candidate.

" Attentive to the comments of Patrick Dupond who salutes the evolution of my Pamela Anderson. An evolution that we would like to see continue, so let's hope that yesterday's new worries do not slow us down … Said the young man on Instagram. If the dancer is far from sure of being able to wiggle with his partner, Chris Marques has a clear opinion on the subject. Questioned by TV Star, the juror of Dance with the stars was rather rebaduring.

" I hope (she will participate in the next premium), I think so. Pamela is a fighter. That she is not on the show Saturday night, I do not believe a second ", Said the salsa champion, who intends to evaluate Pamela Anderson on his next performance. We cross our fingers so that the beautiful blonde does not finish his evening crying in front of his TV, in the arms of Adil Rami.

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