date, casting, intrigues … All the information about season 7


Renewing Orange is the New Black after Season 5, Netflix had killed two birds with one stone, offering his prison series two new bursts. The sixth edition was launched on the platform on July 27 and fans do not have to worry: yes, Orange is the New Black will return for a season 7. Attention, this article is made for you if you already have binge-watche season 6, but if you have not finished, go your way.

Orange is the New Black season 7 – broadcast date

Season 6 having barely been launched, it is too early to give a specific date for the next one. But it could be broadcast in 2019 on the platform. Since the beginning of the series in 2013 on Netflix she came back with an interval of one year each time.

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Orange is the New Black Season 7 – Episodes

Like the previous ones, Season 7 should consist of 13 episodes.

Orange is the New Black season 7 – Actors

Despite what could be feared with the finale of season 6, none of the heroines of the series has succumbed this time! It is not the same for the two sisters Carol and Barbara, discovered in these new episodes, who managed to kill each other. We should follow the fate of Alex, remained in prison and released from his contract with Carol, Taystee, sentenced for the murder of Piscatella, Red and his vengeful quest against Frieda, Black Cindy, or Nichols, Crazy Eyes, Daya and Mendoza.

⋙ Orange is the New Black (Netflix): new characters, a trial, a wedding … Season 6 holds all its promises

As each season, new characters should also appear.

Orange is the New Black Season 7 – Intrigue

The finale of Season 6 has opened new avenues. And mainly with the release of Piper. How are Piper and Alex going to live this new relationship, Piper visiting his fiancée (or his wife since Alex orchestrated some kind of prison marriage) in the parlor? Alex will she continue traffic, now that Carol is no longer there? And what consequences will the disappearance of the two sisters have on the organization of the prison?

⋙ Orange is the New Black: What do actresses look like in life? (PHOTOS)

Will fans also want to know what will happen to Taystee, sentenced to death? Will Caputo manage to tip the judicial machine by unmasking the real culprits?

As for Daya and her mother, again the story is not over. Aleida has a case of conscience by continuing to provide drugs to the inmates, to be able to earn enough money to recover her children, to the detriment of the health of her daughter. So many questions that should be answered in Season 7 of Orange is the New Black .

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