Death of contaminated Briton Novitchok


The victim, named Dawn Sturgess, was 44 years old. She was contaminated with the nerve agent used to poison former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter at the beginning of March.

 Decontamination crews in Salisbury, July 6.

The British contaminated to Novitchok died Sunday evening, July 8, at the Salisbury Hospital in southwest England, where she was admitted eight days ago, police said. "Police have opened an investigation for murder after the woman exposed to Constable Novitchok in Amesbury, Wilstshire, died Sunday, July 8 in the evening" Scotland Yard announced. Dawn Sturgess, 44, was from Durrington, police said, confirming her identity for the first time

Premier Theresa May immediately responded to the announcement. "I am horrified and shocked by the death of Dawn Sturgess" she said in a statement. "My thoughts and condolences go to his family and loved ones" . "Police and security guards work to establish facts urgently" she added. "The government gives its full support to the local population, facing this tragedy"

Determination to solve the investigation

Neil Basu, the chief of the anti-terrorist police, in charge of the investigation, said: "Dawn leaves behind her family, her three children, our thoughts and prayers are for them in this extremely difficult time" . "This terrible news will serve only to reinforce our determination to resolve this investigation, identify and bring to justice those responsible" he added.

Scotland Yard said the elderly man The 45-year-old who was hospitalized the same day as Dawn Sturgess in Salisbury after being contaminated in Novitchok was still in critical condition. One of his friends told AFP that it was Charlie Rowley, and that he was in a relationship with Dawn Sturgess.

The two 40's had been hospitalized after handling a "tainted object" police reported late this week

Their contamination occurred four months after the poisoning attempt at Novitchok targeted former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, a town only 10 kilometers from Amesbury, where the ambulances took care of the British couple.

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