death of the British contaminated to Novthurok innervating agent


The Briton, who was infected with Novitchok's innervating agent and hospitalized Saturday in Salisbury (South of England), died Sunday night, the British police announced, which opened an investigation for murder.

"The police launched a murder investigation after the woman exposed to Constable Novitchok in Amesbury, Wilstshire, died Sunday evening, July 8, "said Scotland Yard. "She was identified as Dawn Sturgess, 44, of Durrington."

Prime Minister Theresa May immediately responded to this announcement. "I am horrified and shocked by the death of Dawn Sturgess," she said in a statement. "My thoughts and condolences go to his family and loved ones". "The police and security agents are working to establish the facts urgently," she added. "The government gives its full support to the local population, facing this tragedy."

Dawn Sturgess had been hospitalized Saturday in critical condition along with a 45-year-old man.The couple would have been exposed to poison " after handling a contaminated object, "said the London police, unable to say whether it came from the same batch that had poisoned the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia on 4 March. The case provoked a strong diplomatic tension between London and Moscow.

"It could be a syringe, a small surgical container (…) that can easily go unnoticed," said Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, an expert in chemical weapons questioned by AFP

According to a scientist working for the British government interviewed by the BBC, "Novitchok is so toxic that it can pbad through the skin and does not need to be ingested (to make effect) "

Investigators conduct" systematic and meticulous searches in many places "to find this object, the police said. Six places frequented by the couple at the end of last week were closed to the public. The homeless shelter where Dawn Sturgess lived was evacuated

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