Do not talk to Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff about their amazing physical transformation, their sister paid the price


The mystery remains around the physique of Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff. The twins maintain the secret, even with their families, as explained by Véronique, their younger sister, France Info.

This is one of the characteristics that intrigue the viewers at the brothers Bogdanoff. Igor and Grichka, the two famous animators, have an atypical physique, which has evolved a lot over the years. So much so that rumors about a possible resort to cosmetic surgery are going well. The twins denied these sounds of corridors by a pirouette of which they have the secret . " Igor and I are experimenters In experimentation, there are a number of small protocols. These are not openings … But these are protocols that are various, which we can not talk like that! "explained Grichka to Télé Loisirs last November.

And that we do not hesitate to ask them the question clearly. When their younger sister, Véronique Bogdanoff, ventured to raise the subject to one of the two, her response rocketed. " Even to their family, they do not say what they did she explained to France Info. Once, when we were at home in the Gers, I Igor says: 'Do not give up, mouth do not do more.' He remained petrified for fifteen seconds, before telling me: ' So, say, you! It's not going to tell me that?' « Our confreres tried to unravel the mystery, they didn have obtained for only answer: " Say only that one comes from elsewhere ." One will not know any more therefore.


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