Donald Trump, next villain of Game of Thrones?


The US president has published a tweet inspired from the successful Heroic Fantasy series, promising sanctions for November 5 against Iran. A message that has not failed to react to the HBO and some actors in the saga.

A few days after the announcement of Naomi Watts, first actress to join the cast of the prequel of Game Of Thrones , the saga might have found his next big villain in the person of … Donald Trump! This is what suggests the tweet that split the US President Friday.

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Without any legend, we see the real estate mogul appear in a solemn posture on a bluish background with the inscription "sanctions are coming" and the date of November 5th. A quote that draws directly from the series, which it uses typography and its famous motto "Winter is coming".

You understand, it is not quite an attempt of the American president to join the team of the saga of Heroic Fantasy (although his blonde mane could have played in his favor with the directors cast to embody a character from the Lannister family, the richest of the entire Game of Thrones universe). This tweet turns out to be a direct threat to Iran regarding the reinstatement of sanctions against Tehran that were lifted as part of the historic nuclear deal of 2015, which Washington has since withdrawn .

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The tweet in question did not fail to make react HBO and several actors of the series. "How do you say misuse of a registered trademark in dothraki?", Shared the US channel on the social network. Maisie Williams, who plays the role of Arya Stark, posted the message "not today". Sophie Turner, who plays her sister Sansa, has meanwhile expressed his disgust of a simple "Ew".

"Fear is sharper than swords," according to George RR Martin's tweet, author of the novels that inspired the series, which urges Americans to visit their polls on November 6 for the mid-term elections.

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