Donald Trump recorded without his knowledge by his former lawyer


In a recording held by the FBI, the American president and his lawyer discuss the possibility of buying the silence of a supermodel.

 Attorney Michael Cohen, on a street in New York on the 11 April 2018

Donald Trump's former personal attorney recorded a conversation without his acquaintance, in which the two men plan to buy the silence of an old supermodel with which the president of the United States United reportedly had an affair.

The recording, made two months before the November 2016 presidential election, was seized by FBI investigators during a raid on Monday, April 9, at Michael Cohen's offices, according to on New York Times which revealed the information on Friday, July 20, confirmed by Rudolph Giuliani, current lawyer of Mr. Trump. The discussion is about the former playmate of the magazine Playboy Karen McDougal, who claims to have had a relationship "ten months in 2006 and 2007" with the one who had not yet entered

According to several media reports, during the recorded conversation, Michael Cohen informs Donald Trump of the payment made by a press group for Karen McDougal's testimony. The National Enquirer flagship title of the group of David Pecker, had indeed acquired the exclusivity of this confession for 150 000 dollars (128 000 euros).

The two men are planning to buy themselves these rights. Donald Trump seems not to be closed to this idea and even questions his lawyer about the method of payment, but the recording stops before the end of the conversation. The transaction never finally took place. Mr. Pecker and National Enquirer would have chosen not to publish the testimony of Karen McDougal in order to preserve Donald Trump, a friend of David Pecker, which is denied by the interested parties.

Donald Trump judges the recording "Perhaps illegal"

The US president reacted Saturday to this information on Twitter, as usual. Donald Trump judges the search of the FBI "inconceivable" and "almost unpublished" . "It is even more unimaginable that a lawyer registers his client – it's unheard of and it may be illegal", he is annoyed.

Unconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer's office (early in the morning) – almost unheard of. Ev …

– realDonaldTrump (@Donald J. Trump)

Despite this, the president's team waived the principle of confidentiality of the exchanges between the client and his counsel in this case, according to CNN. In other words, it will not oppose the use of registration by investigators. The strategy of Donald Trump is clear: the real estate mogul wants to show that he has nothing to reproach himself. On the merits, the head of state is rebaduring: "The good news is that your favorite president did nothing wrong! concludes Donald Trump

"Rudy believes that the recording " exonerated "" the president, "why so many anger? Saturday responded Michael Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, on Twitter, twitching the strategy of the presidential camp and calling "false" the charge of illegal registration. [19659007] Embarrbading but not compromising

M. Giuliani, who is also a former mayor of New York, said the registration would further exonerate Donald Trump than compromise him. According to him, Mr. Trump wanted, above all, to regularize a transaction and not to hide it.

On the basis of the known elements of the conversation revealed on Friday, it seems that the registration does not, in itself, the legal risk for Donald Trump, since the payment was never made.

But it is part of the FBI investigation, which seeks to determine whether the possible use of funds during of presidential campaign to pay for former Donald Trump's alleged conquests could be a violation of electoral rules.

See also:

                Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's fallen pitbull

The loyalty of Michael Cohen in question

Michael Cohen is currently the subject of an extensive investigation by the FBI, which could lead to prosecution. It was launched in part at the request of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is investigating an alleged collusion between Trump's team and Russian officials during the presidential campaign in 2016.

Michael Cohen is regularly seen as Donald Trump's henchman, more than his lawyer. In particular, he publicly acknowledged paying $ 130,000 to badgraphic actress Stormy Daniels in November 2016 to buy her silence about a badual relationship she allegedly had with the president in 2006.

Also read:
                Donald Trump caught out in the Stormy Daniels case

Of a loyal fidelity to Donald Trump, Michael Cohen nevertheless sent a first signal recently that his loyalty had limits. "I am faithful to my wife, my daughter and my son, and I will always be ," he said in an interview with ABC in early July. I place my family and my country first.

For Donald Trump, there is now the possibility of Michael Cohen's collaboration with the judiciary, which could expose elements that are compromising for the president. After Friday's revelation, Stormy Daniels' media lawyer Michael Avenatti said there were several recordings made by Michael Cohen and called for their release.

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