Dragon Ball Super: Broly will be screened at the Grand Rex in preview – News Movie


The Grand Rex has just announced that the animated film "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" will be previewed at the end of the year.

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As Le Grand Rex said on his Twitter account, the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly will be screened in Parisian cinema at the end of the year. If the room does not yet specify the exact date, the premiere should take place around December 14, date of Japanese release of the feature film. The bookings are not yet open, but, given the enthusiasm aroused by this announcement, fans will have to do it at the opening to be certain to have a place.

Prepare your cosplays and your #kameameha for the end of the year at #GrandRex ! https://t.co/gyuasCPCWY

– The Great Rex (@LeGrandRex) July 26, 2018

Written by Akira Toriyama himself (the author of the manga), the film is the continuation of the Dragon Ball Super series, which stopped last March. In this part Goku and Vegeta will face the legendary Broly

No French release date is indicated at the moment, the film will surely be available directly in SVOD, VOD or DVD.

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