Edouard, our Sunday night friend


"The radio makes sense only in the morning because what we say is more listened and more political, in the sense that we are in the life and the time" he confided to Téléobs in 2017 before adding: " course, having a cultural magazine at 18 hours, it would have the mouth, a side a little mundane, with artists who pbad and with whom we will have dinner later …". From September 2nd, the evenings of Sunday will certainly have the mouth on France Inter.

The station confirmed yesterday in a statement, the information unveiled a few hours ago by our colleague "Le Parisien": Edouard Baer, ​​54 years old, will host at the beginning of the school year two hours of live and public broadcast of Belair, the bar of the Maison de la Radio or a café in the region. Surrounded by his band, as he has always loved working from "The Big Ball" on Nova in the 90s until the evening "carte blanche" that Paris Premier gave him on April 12, the animator-comedian-director a deadly clench at the frantic pace of speech, will receive guests and anonymous people, street people or friends for an appointment that France Inter announces "anti-depressed and filled with unexpected events."

Listening friends sandblasted champagne: the #Bleus are in the final of the # CoupeDuMonde2018 and @edouardbaer joined @franceinter at the beginning of the autumn to enchant our sunday nights!
Welcome to the most talented insomniac! pic.twitter.com/FaUMsRDdtF

– Laurence Bloch (@LaurenceBloch) July 11, 2018

Good pick for the public service radio whose director, Laurence Bloch details in the Parisian the coming of the one that she qualifies as " genius of the digression, improviser and orator out of norms" : " he did not wish to be at a prime time, where there is inevitably pressure, because the hearings are commented constantly, he wanted to be out of sight to develop an area of ​​freedom and creation with a band of artists, friends, music bands but also people met randomly in the street Edouard Baer is the kind of person who lowers the window when he is driving to talk to strangers. "

???? "Farewell the spleen of Sunday night! ? @franceinter ? found the ideal remedy: a new rendezvous with #EdouardBaer to accompany the listeners and animate this dreaded evening ????? #PublicService #Mercato ???? ???? https://t.co/WObszh53KA

– Gaël Hamayon (@gaelhamayon) 11 July 2018

Unbridled improvisation, gang of friends and arrests of anonymous people: since the autumn of 2016, Edouard Baer has successfully mounted his mayonnaise made of the same ingredients and a talent that everyone wants in the morning "near you" Radio Nova. His improvised daily paper of 7 hours, poetic and precious, made the happiness of the listeners during two seasons. Orphan listeners since June 28, date of his last radio show where he started in 1992.
In Nova, we do not know yet who will replace the crazy and inspired dandy. We understand that the actor who performs regularly at the theater no longer has the energy to get up at dawn Monday to Friday, but we worry with a touch of irony, on how the atypical character "who do what he wants and obey no one "will accommodate the more rigid rules of Radio France …

 Anne Sogno

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