This Thursday, July 5, Le Parisien announced that Eric Naulleau had refused that Énora Malagré join his show Ça balance in Paris as a columnist. Annoyed, the host denied in the columns of Figaro .
Since Éora Malagré left the band of Cyril Hanouna, in June 2017, the columnist is rare on television sets. Perhaps we could have found it on Paris Première in the show presented by Éric Naulleau, since 2010, Ça balance in Paris. The 37-year-old, who, in parallel with her career, has been battling endometriosis for a long time before having the uterus removed, has indeed tried to join the program. But the old TPMP was not retained. The Parisian then thought that it was Éric Naulleau, in person, who had opposed his coming. A visibly erroneous badertion as he took the trouble to explain to Figaro speaking of Énora Malagré as of " a dear friend " which he appreciates " personality and culture ". In his view, " it would indeed" really have its place in a program where it is more question of culture than Hanouna.It is totally legitimate and competent . "
Énora Malagré has Moreover, a pilot with Eric Naulleau turned out well because the channel wanted " a new version of Ça balance in Paris to renew the format ", began the former chronicler of ONPC. " J had carte blanche to introduce new chroniclers and it was at my request that Énora Malagré came to participate with three other people "And to continue," is someone who is interested The pilot who left more room for the debate went very well and Enora was excellent . "So, if the host was not chosen, it's because" Paris Première found this pilot a bit too much Loigné the fundamentals of the issue and has not validated "And not because Eric Naulleau did not want to share its platform with the young woman
Photos:.. Pierre Prusseau / Bestimage
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