Excluded. Danielle Moreau reveals the real reasons for her departure from France 2 for Touche not to my post (C8)


It's a return to the "family" Do not touch my post! for Danielle Moreau . The one who had been a chronicler four months in 2017 in the C8 program will return to the band Cyril Hanouna at the start of the school year. For this, she made the choice to leave France 2 where she officiated as programmer and chronicler in It is the program as announced by the blog of Jean-Marc Morandini . Curious to know the motivations of Danielle Moreau, we contacted her. Confessions of this unclbadifiable, very popular with viewers.

Télé-Loisirs : You leave France 2 where you were on a permanent contract to join Cyril Hanouna's band. Can you explain this choice?

Danielle Moreau : I leave indeed France 2 after 19 years of good and loyal services. I loved working in This is the program where I was programmer and columnist. It was a decision that was not easy to make. I'm not at all angry with the team but I wanted to find the "family" TPMP that I discovered in 2017. I insist on the concept of "family" because it did not necessarily exist at France Televisions which is a much more impersonal structure. Leaders do not necessarily know how to show employees that they love them. I do not even know if they knew my name …

⋙ Danielle Moreau and her debut in TPMP: "My mother is a little afraid that it slips"

Leaving a year ago of William Leymergie who was the producer of It was the program had to weigh in the balance …

Indeed. With him, the show was a bit of a state in the state. He had a family side. Since his departure, it was different. And then, this season, I had a little less airtime on the show. It played in my decision.

How did France 2 react when you told them you were leaving?

Everything was done quickly enough. I did not have a lot of reactions. With Sophie Davant, we exchanged text messages. She wished me the best for the future. I spent 19 wonderful years in France 2 and I keep only good memories. I was proud to work for public service.

⋙ Danielle Moreau on the verge of tears when she saw her mother arrive in TPMP (VIDEO)

Last year, your management asked you to [19659007] not to participate in Do not touch my post! . What happened

When Human Resources realized I was on the show, they asked me to stop because I had an exclusivity clause. I took note of that decision. Having a CDI journalist is great and many people dream but it is also binding. With my exclusivity clause, I could not, for example, make documentaries next door.

Your choice is bold. Are you aware of it?

I am 54 years old. It's not easy to get old on TV when you're a woman. Cyril Hanouna, he does not care about age. He takes me as I am. So it's a new beginning for me. I said to myself: " If I do not take the Hanouna train right away, it may not come back a second time ". It may be risk taking but I really wanted it. In TPMP, I had the feeling of belonging to a family. In the street, everyone talks to me about the show when I only attended about twenty times for four months. Since the announcement of my return, I had only nice messages, it's warm to the heart. And then, Cyril is so kind, generous and protective.

How many times a week do you come to TPMP?

Logically, I should come twice a week minimum. I have lots of ideas that I will develop with the production. I think I can bring things. I really want to talk about "nostalgia" because it's my niche, just like the history of television. On Thursday, in the prime time that Cyril has announced, there is a desire to be on these themes. I am also very motivated to propose ideas of happenings.

You were close to William Leymergie, who today animates the box lunch on C8. Could you imagine a chronicler in William at noon ?

No, it is not at all something that has been considered. There is no connection between the broadcast of Cyril and that of William. On the other hand, there are more with that of Valérie Benaïm (note: That of the TV diffused just before Touch not with my post ! ]

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