Fans of Johnny Hallyday did not like the ranking of "Your most beautiful memories"


Daphne Bürki could not hold back her tears on France 2. – SCARELLA Gilles – FTV

Tuesday night on France 2 in Your most beautiful memoriesthere will have been emotion,
tears, but also a little embarrbadment. For good reason, some viewers were a bit embarrbaded by the ranking of the 51 highlights of the life of
 Johnny Hallyday selected by users on the site of Parisian, and reviewed by Daphne Bürki. In particular the first place of the ranking …

Laura and Sylvie Vartan?

Among the many highlights of Johnny, the memory that ranked at the top of the ranking is none other than his funeral, and the national tribute to the artist on December 9, 2017. A strong memory, but somewhat depressing .

#SouvenirsJohnny how can this painful moment arrive in 1st place of memories? I'm a little shocked there .. That would mean that many fans have preferred this moment of the whole career of #Johnny ? Weird Bizarre ??

– Vero (@ Vero19933777) October 23, 2018

#souvenirsJohnny So according to the French, the "most memorable moment of Johnny Hallyday's life" is … his funeral ???

– Nicolas Clevis (@leseulunique) October 23, 2018

Similarly, some users noted other absences in this ranking, that of the song Laura, and that of his marriage with Sylvie Vartan.

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